New Spell Descriptions



Breath of the Geyser (CrAq[Ig] 15)
R: Near, D: Mom, T: Ind
Aimed: +2
Requisite: Ignem

When this spell is cast, the magus exhales a mighty blast of steam, scalding the target for +15 damage, ignoring non-magical armor. This steam dissipates and cools quickly, reducing damage by 2 for each pace beyond 5.

Arrow of Vulder (CrAq[Te] 25)
R: Far, D: Mom, T: Ind
Aimed: +0
Requisite: Terram

Fires an arrow of ice at the target, inflicting +20 damage.



Compass of the Dismembered Limb (InCo 20)
R: Arc, D: Conc, T: Ind

When cast upon dead flesh, this spell causes it to act as the needle of a compass, pointing towards the rest of the body from which that flesh came, whether alive or dead. If the body is in more than two pieces, the compass will indicate the direction to the largest portion which was not within 5 paces of it at the time of casting.

Blessing of the Sure-Footed Steed (ReCo 20)
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind

The recipient of this spell may move over any ground as surely and safely as if it were a well-maintained road, ignoring movement penalties and extra botch dice resulting from difficult terrain. Penalties due to movement of the surface (e.g., aboard a ship in a storm) are not affected.

This spell may also be cast on beasts with an Animal requisite.

Maintaining the Unending Watch (Re[Cr]Co 20)
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Requisite: Creo

The target suffers no Fatigue due to loss of sleep for the duration of this spell, nor will he feel sleepy regardless of how long he has been awake. At the spell's expiration, the target must make a stress Stm roll of 12+ or lose one Fatigue level (two levels on a botch) which can only be recovered by getting a good night's sleep.

If this spell's duration is boosted to any value other than Ring or Fire, the target immediately gains 1 Twilight Point per pawn of vis used to boost the duration and must make an immediate roll for temporary Twilight, even if mundane. (Mundanes will receive Twilight Afflictions even though the normal list of Twilight Effects are not relevant to them.) Furthermore, he will continue to gain 1 Twilight Point per month that the spell remains in effect and must test again for temporary Twilight upon its expiration.


Camoflage of a Decade's Growth (CrHe 15)
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group

Over the span of 10 minutes, dense foliage springs up about the target group, concealing them within it and giving a +9 to Stealth(Hide) rolls until they move or the spell expires, provided that the presence of a clump of dense foliage is not itself conspicuous.

Piercing the Verdant Veil (InHe[Im] 30)
R: Near, D: Conc, T: Ind
Requisite: Imaginem

Your perception is unhindered by any plants within range.

Curse of the Unerring Shafts (ReHe 30)
R: Near, D: Conc, T: Ind

All wooden weapons in the target's vicinity are drawn to him. Attacks intended for the target gain an Attack bonus equal to the caster's Finesse. Arrows and other wooden projectiles passing within 5 paces of the target (including any fired by him) veer off course, attacking him with the caster's Finesse bonus.




Chariot of the Mind (InMe 30)
R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind

The caster enters the target's mind, experiencing all that he does. The caster's body falls into a deep sleep for the duration of this spell and he is unable to take any action without first ending it, as he receives no control over the target's thoughts or actions. Casting this spell with duration greater than Sun is rather dangerous, as your body may die of starvation or dehydration before you return. Noticing that you are under observation in this manner requires an Int stress roll of 12+.

If the target enters an Aegis of the Hearth, gains a Parma Magica, or otherwise obtains Magic Resistance in excess of this spell's Penetration total, the caster is immediately ejected from the target's mind and returned to his own body unless that Magic Resistance does not affect the caster (e.g., he was a participant in the Aegis ritual).


Transformation of Metal to Mud (MuTe 15)
R: Near, D: Sun, T: Small

A single metal object is transformed to mud.

Gateway to Holda's Hall (MuTe[Aq] 20)
R: Near, D: Sun, T: Spec
Requisite: Aquam

Transforms the ground in a 15-pace-by-15-pace area into a thick marsh, reducing movement through that area to the total of a stress Athletics - Enc roll each round, adding the lower of Str or Stm, with a maximum of standard hustling rate (9 + Qik - Enc paces). All stress rolls within this bog (including those for movement rate) receive two extra botch dice. Severe botches are likely to result in being pulled under and beginning to drown...

Loose the Corporeal Bonds (ReTe 15)
R: Near, D: Mom, T: Small

Unties or unfastens any single knot, tangle, or fastener which could be opened or undone by a normal man, using only his hands, regardless of the time needed to do so. This spell could untie the Gordian knot, but is not capable of picking a lock. Casting requisites are as appropriate for the material being targeted.

Wizard's Locksmith (ReTe 25)
R: Near, D: Mom, T: Small

Unlocks a single lock, regardless of its complexity. Casting requisites appropriate to the material of the lock are required if it is not made of metal.


Gather the Essence of the Plant (MuVi 15)
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Spell Focus: A silver globe (+3)

Essentially identical to Gather the Essence of the Beast, but targets plants rather than animals. This spell may be cast upon a pile of slightly-magical plants to collect all of their vis into a single item in addition to collecting a single plant's vis into a part of it.

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