General Virtues and Flaws

General Virtues: Variable

General Virtues: +1

General Virtues: +2

General Virtues: +3

General Virtues: +4

General Virtues: +5

General Flaws: Variable

General Flaws: -1

General Flaws: -2

General Flaws: -3

General Flaws: -4

General Flaws: -5

General Flaws: -6

Hermetic Virtues and Flaws

Hermetic Virtues: Variable

Cyclic Magic (positive): +2 Virtue for each +3 of bonus to spell rolls and Lab Totals. This bonus must apply for the same amount of time as it does not apply. (ArM4 p.34)

Follower of Bjornaer: (House Bjornaer only) +2 Virtue if heartbeast is battle-worthy, +1 if it is not. (ArM4 p.21)

Magical Affinity: Grants a level 1 affinity with an Art. +1 Virtue for narrow or uncommon circumstances, +2 for more common situations, +3 for an entire Form, +4 for an entire Technique. (ArM4 p.34)

Method Caster: For each +1 Virtue, gain +1 to all formulaic casting totals unless gestures/voice are changed. (ArM4 p.34)

Hermetic Virtues: +1

Adept Student: +6 Lab Totals to learn spells or when working from someone else's lab texts. (ArM p.34)

Deft Art: All casting penalties for one Art are halved. (ArM4 p.34)

Extra Arts: +10 points for purchasing starting Arts. (ArM4 p.34)

Extra Spells: +10 levels of starting spells. (ArM4 p.34)

Faerie Magic: (House Merinita or Faerie Blood only) Grants level 1 Talent Faerie Magic, which aids in casting and resisting faerie magic. (ArM4 p.25)

Fast Caster: +3 to spellcasting Initiative. (ArM4 p.34)

Free Study: Add 1 to all rolls for studying from vis before multiplying. (ArM4 p.34)

Gentle Gift: You may interact with mundanes and animals as if you were non-magical. (ArM4 p.34)

Hermetic Prestige: Level 3 beneficial Reputation within the Order of Hermes. (ArM4 p.34)

Inventive Genius: +3 on all Lab Totals to invent spells, brew potions, or enchant items. Bonus increases to +6 if you experiment. (ArM4 p.34)

Mastered Spells: +10 magnitudes of mastered spells. (ArM4 p.34)

Quaesitor: You are a Quaesitor and have an appropriate Reputation of level 3 within the Order of Hermes. Rarely seen in beginning magi unless they are of House Guernicus. (ArM4 p.34)

Secret Vis Source: This Virtue is not available in the Riesenstreppe Saga.

Special Circumstances: In a specific uncommon situation, you gain +3 to all spellcasting or resistance rolls. (ArM4 p.34)

Strong Writer: You may copy spells from shorthand at (Scribe Latin x 40) levels per season and from spellbooks at (Scribe Latin x 90) levels per season. All original compositions gain +3 Quality and you can write an additional 2 levels of summae per season. Summae are copied ad (Scribe + Desterity) x 4 levels per season. (ArM4 p.34)

Hermetic Virtues: +2

Cautious Sorceror: -1 botch die on spellcasting and lab work. (ArM4 p.34) (ArM4 p.35)

Quiet Magic: You can cast using a soft voice at no penalty and silently at -5. You gain no benefit from casing in a firm or booming voice. (ArM4 p.34) (ArM4 p.35)

Side Effect: Your wizard's sigil includes a feature which is generally useful, but sometimes unwelcome. (ArM4 p.34) (ArM4 p.35)

Student of Faerie: +3 on Faerie Lore rolls and you are considered to have the Common Sense virtue when dealing with faeries. (ArM4 p.35)

Subtle Magic: You may cast spells without gestures at no penalty, but gain no bonus from bold or vigorous gestures. (ArM4 p.35)

Hermetic Virtues: +3

Enduring Magic: Spells with a duration other than Momentary, Instant, Permanent, or Concentration have their durations multiplied by the result of a simple die, rolled secretly by the storyguide. (ArM4 p.35)

Life-Linked Spontaneous Magic: When exerting yourself for spontaneous spellcasting, you must state the desired level of effect. If your casting roll is insufficient for an effect of that level, the difference is made up from your life energy, causing 1 Body Level of damage per 5 spell levels (rounded up) by which the casting roll fell short. (ArM4 p.35)

Hermetic Virtues: +5

Elementalist: Grants the Talent Affinity with Elements at level 1, which adds to all rolls and lab totals involving Aquam, Auram, Ignem, or Terram, but is subtracted from all formulaic spellcasting which does not involve the elements. You also have a Major Magical Deficiency with Vim, cannot cast ritual spells which do not concretely involve the elements, and may have no other Magical Affinities. (ArM4 p.35)

Silent Magic: You may cast spells silently at no penalty, but gain no benefit from quiet, firm, or loud speech. (ArM4 p.35)

Hermetic Flaws: Variable

Cyclic Magic (negative): -3 to casting rolls for each -2 Flaw points when active. This modifier must be active for the same amount of time that it is inactive. (ArM4 p.35)

Deleterious Circumstances: If the effect of this Flaw is minor (-3 to spellcasting and lab totals), it is worth -1. The value increases to -2 for a major Flaw (spellcasting and lab totals halved) and -3 for a Total failure of your magic (doesn't work at all). If the triggering circumstances are common, gain an additional -1 Flaw point. (ArM4 p.35)

Magical Deficiency: A Minor Magical Deficiency (level of deficient Art is halved for all purposes except study) is a -1 Flaw. A Major Magical Deficiency (all totals which use the Art are halved) is a -2 Flaw. The value is increased by -1 Flaw point if the deficient Art is Corpus or Vim and by -2 Flaw points if it is a Technique. (ArM4 p.35)

Poor Formulaic Magic: -1 to all formulaic spellcasting rolls for each -1 Flaw point. (ArM4 p.35)

Hermetic Flaws: -1

Blatant Gift: Reaction rolls from mundanes and animals are at -6. (ArM4 p.35)

Creative Block: -3 on all lab totals to invent spells, brew potions, or enchant items unless you are working from a lab text. If you experiment, roll twice as many dice on the experimentation table. (ArM4 p.35)

Disjointed Magic: You gain no benefits from similar spells or for enchanting an item with effects whose Arts are shared with effects which have already bee invested into it. (ArM4 p.35)

Flawed Parma Magica: Your Parma Magica only provides half the normal protection against one Form. Additionally, this Form ablates your Parma Magica at twice the normal rate. (ArM4 p.35)

Follower of Verditius: (House Verditius only) Conveys the package of Verditius Virtues and Flaws, including level 1 in the Verditius Magic Talent. (ArM4 p.26)

Hedge Wizard: You start with a bad Reputation at level 3 within the Order of Hermes. (ArM4 p.35)

Incompatible Arts: You are incapable of using a certain combination of Arts (Corpus and Vim may not be chosen in this combination). This Flaw may not be combined with a Deficiency in either of these Arts. (ArM4 p.35)

Incomprehensible: Your rolls are at -3 when writing or talking about magic. Any magical texts you author are also at -3 Quality. On the plus side, anyone attempting to decipher your lab notes is at -3 to do so. (ArM4 p.36)

Infamous Master: Like parens, like filius... You have a level 3 bad Reputation in the Order of Hermes. (ArM4 p.36)

Loose Magic: You are unable to master spells. (ArM4 p.36)

Necessary Condition: You must perform some simple action while casting any spell. If you do not do this, your magic doesn't work. (ArM4 p.36)

No Familiar: This Flaw is a part of the Follower of Bjornaer package, but may be taken by magi of other Houses with storyguide permission. (ArM4 p.36)

No Sigil: (House Tremere only) You have no sigil and may not vote at Tribunals. (ArM4 p.25)

Poor Reader: Treat all books as if their Quality were 2 lower. (ArM4 p.36)

Poor Student: -6 to lab totals for learning spells or when working from someone else's lab texts. (ArM4 p.36)

Tormenting Master: Your former master does not believe that you have truly passed your gauntlet and occasionally causes problems for you with political maneuvering or indirect attacks. (ArM4 p.36)

Twilight Points: You have had a Twilight experience during (or before) your apprenticeship. Work out the details with the storyguide. (ArM4 p.36)

Unimaginative Learner: Subtract one from all rolls to study from raw vis before multiplying. (ArM4 p.36)

Vis Obligation: This Flaw is not available in the Riesenstreppe Saga.

Warped Magic: Your wizard's sigil includes some effect which is generally annoying, but may cause serious problems on occasion. (ArM4 p.36)

Weak Writer: You only copy spells from shorthand at a rate of (Scribe Latin x 10) levels per season and from spellbooks at (Scribe Latin x 30) levels per season. Original summae are limited to only one-third of your level in the subject and are written at a rate of two fewer levels per season than would normally be the case. You copy summae at a rate of (Scribe + Dexterity) x 2 levels per season. (ArM4 p.36)

Hermetic Flaws: -2

Clumsy Magic: All Finesse rolls are at -3 and any roll of a 0 for spell targeting is automatically a botch. (ArM4 p.36)

Discredited Lineage: You have a level 4 bad Reputation with the Quaesitores. (ArM4 p.36)

Lack of Concentration: You may not possess the Concentration Ability or perform ritual spells. (ArM4 p.36)

Lack of Control: After casting a spell, you may do nothing for one round. (ArM4 p.36)

Limited Magic Resistance: Your Forms provide no bonus to magic resistance rolls. (ArM4 p.36)

Rigid Magic: You cannot use vis for spellcasting. (ArM4 p.36)

Short-Lived Magic: Any spells you cast with a duration greater than Diameter have their duration reduced by one category. (ArM4 p.36)

Slow Caster: You require two rounds to cast any spell which is not either a ritual or a fast-cast spontaneous spell. (ArM4 p.36)

Stingy Master: You begin with only 130 levels of spells and 130 points of Arts. (ArM4 p.36)

Weak Magic: When using one Art, your Penetration totals are halved and targets gain a bonus of +3 on Natural Resistance rolls. (ArM4 p.36)

Hermetic Flaws: -3

Magic Addiction: Whenever you roll a stress die to cast a spell, you must make a stress Intelligence + Concentration roll with a difficulty equal to half the level of the spell. If you fail, your next action must be to cast a formulaic spell whose level is at least that of the one just cast or a spontaneous spell with fatigue expenditure. If the Intelligence + Concentration roll is botched, you must continue casting spells each round until unconscious. (ArM4 p.36)

Old: Your starting age is at least 40 + Stamina. (ArM4 p.37)

Painful Magic: Each spell you cast causes pain equivalent to one Body Level of damage, tracked separately from actual injuries or fatigue and recovered at the same rate as if it were fatigue. (ArM4 p.37)

Study Requirement: You may only study an Art when in its presence. As your skill grows, so does the amount of the substance or activity required to continue your studies. (ArM4 p.37)

Weak Parma Magica: Under relatively common circumstances, your Parma Magica provides no protection at all. (ArM4 p.37)

Hermetic Flaws: -4

Chaotic Magic: When casting a spontaneous spell, you must choose a desired level of effect. If your roll falls short of achieving that level or exceeds it by more than five levels, you have lost control of the spell and its effects are determined by the storyguide. You also suffer double botch dice when using vis with formulaic spells. (ArM4 p.37)

Susceptibility to Divine Power: Dominion penalties are doubled. (ArM4 p.37)

Susceptibility to Faerie Power: When entering a Faerie Aura, you must roll the Aura level or higher on a stress die + Stamina or become disoriented. In addition, your magic resistance and Parma Magica are halved against faerie magic. (ArM4 p.37)

Susceptibility to Infernal Power: When entering an Infernal Aura, you must roll the Aura level or higher on a stress die + Stamina or become ill, causing you to suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls. In addition, your magic resistance and Parma Magica are halved against infernal magic. (ArM4 p.37)

Unpredictable Magic: Your spells are always cast using stress dice, regardless of the circumstances. You may not master spells and your lab work always requires a roll on the experimentation table, even if you are not experimenting. If you do experiment, roll twice per season. (ArM4 p.37)

Hermetic Flaws: -6

Non-Spontaneity: You cannot cast spontaneous spells. (ArM4 p.37)

Personal Magic: All spellcasting rolls for targets at a range greater than Personal are halved, as are laboratory rolls to affect anything other than yourself. (ArM4 p.37)

Unstructured Caster: You cast all formulaic spells as if they were rituals and may not learn any ritual spells. (ArM4 p.37)

Companion Social Status Virtues and Flaws

Social Status Virtues: +0

Social Status Virtues: +1

Social Status Virtues: +2

Social Status Virtues: +3

Social Status Flaws: -1

Social Status Flaws: -2

Social Status Flaws: -3

Grog Status Virtues and Flaws

Grog Status Virtues: +0

Grog Status Virtues: +1

Grog Status Flaws: -1

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