
Krogersdorf is a village of roughly 200 humans located on a plateau in the foothills of the Worlds Edge Mountains. It was established in IC 2305 by a band of deserters from the army of Magnus the Pious, led by Ulf Kroger, shortly after the army repulsed the incursion of Chaos and broght the Age of Three Emperors to a close.

While looking for a new place to call home without need to worry about being punished for desertion, Kroger's band stumbled across the ruins of an earlier town, now known only as Old Krogersdorf, and took shelter within its long-shattered walls. The old buildings still stand in ruins to the north of the new village, but the defenses have been patched up well enough to keep wild animals and bandit gangs at bay.

Located in the further reaches of Imperial wilderness, Krogersdorf was allowed some 75 years to establish itself before the eyes of the nobility fell upon it. First contact was made by missionaries of the Cult of Sigmar, the first Emperor. Having lived in the wilderness so long, the Krogersdorfers chose to continue their worship of Taal, god of the wild places, and Ulric, god of winter, wolves, and warriors. The Sigmarites retaliated by slandering the villagers in the provincial and Imperial courts, casting Krogersdorf into disfavor which continues to this day.

An abbreviated timeline of Imperial history, showing events relevant to the history of Krogersdorf.
Basic information regarding the religious situation in Krogersdorf and the gods whose cults are active in town.
Prominent Villagers
Who are the people in your neighborhood?
Imperial Calendar
This might help make sense of any dates that I mention...


Krogersdorf area
Map of the plateau on which Krogersdorf sits, showing the town itself and the outlying farms.
Map of the Old World
Something I just stumbled across. It's blurry and largely illegible, but better than nothing, right?

Yet to come:

The Tale of Ulf Kroger

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