Religions of Krogersdorf

The citizens of Krogersdorf primarily honor three of the Old World's gods: Ulric, Taal, and Verena. The Cult of Morr is becoming active in the village as well, but their interest finds little reciprocation. The Cult of Sigmar is decidedly unwelcome here, as their missionaries are commonly believed to be the cause of many of Krogersdorf's troubles.


God of Nature and Wild Places

Taal is the most favored god of Krogersdorf, which is hardly surprising for a small town which has little contact with civilization.


God of Battle, Wolves, and Winter

Taal's brother, Ulric, is strongly favored by those Krogersdorfers who have chosen to pursue the way of the warrior.


Goddess of Learning and Justice

Verena is the patron deity of Nuln, the city which Ulf Kroger and most of his men called home before their march to Kislev, and they brought her traditions with them to Krogersdorf. Her followers are few and low-key today, as she is more at home in larger cities, but she has not been forgotten by the Krogersdorfers.


God of Death and Dreams

The citizens of Krogersdorf thought little of Morr until a few years ago when an initiate of his cult arrived on a mission to see that all the town's old dead are properly laid to rest.

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