Krogersdorf Timeline

IC 0 Establishment of the Empire. Sigmar Heldenhammer is crowned Emperor by the High Priest of Ulric.
IC 50 Sigmar abdicates and disappears into the Worlds Edge Mountains.
IC 52 Imperial electoral system established.
IC 73 Cult of Sigmar established and open conflict with the Cult of Ulric begins. Johann Helstrum becomes the first Grand Theogonist of Sigmar.
IC 1111 In the face of a great plague, missionaries and trappers explore the upper reaches of the Talabec river.
IC 1200
Old Krogersdorf founded, presumably by explorers searching for the source of the Talabec.
IC 1360 Grand Duchess Ottilia of Talabheim declares herself Empress with the support of the High Priest of Ulric. Civil war ensues.
IC 1547 Graf Heinrich of Middenheim declares himself to be Emperor, despite lack of support from the Imperial Electors. The Age of Three Emperors begins.
IC 1575
Lacking support from the more established areas of the Empire, Old Krogersdorf is devastated by an orc and goblin army. The survivors abandon the town, but it is unknown whether any succeed in escaping.
IC 1707 Orc Warlord Gorbad Ironclaw sacks the Imperial capital of Nuln. The capital is temporarily moved to Altdorf until Gorbad's defeat.
IC 1980 Grand Theogonist of Sigmar refuses to acknowledge election of Magritta I as Empress of Nuln, effectively ending the Imperial system. Dark Ages spread as central authority collapses for 320 years.
IC 2290 Shallyan Order of the Tears of Pity obtains a small palace from Countess Beatrice von Liebewitz of Nuln to create a reformatory for troubled youth, the Countess Beatrice von Liebwitz von Nuln Academy for the Salvation of Troubled Youth, now more commonly known as "Krinkleheim".
IC 2301 Large Chaos armies sweep south from the Northern Chaos Wastes, attacking Norsca, Kislev, and the Empire.
IC 2302 Magnus the Pious appears in Nuln and unites the Empire. Chaos armies besiege Praag and Tsar Alexis Romanoff appeals to Magnus for assistance. Chaos fleets range across the Sea of Claws, attacking merchant shipping. Ulf Kroger leaves Krinkleheim and joins Magnus's army.
IC 2303 Magnus the Pious arrives in Talabheim with the Imperial army en route to Kislev. Praag falls in late winter and the siege of Erengrad and Kislev begins. Chaos horde broken in the Battle of Grovod Forest and driven back by Imperial and Kislevite forces with Norse allies. Eternal alliance declared between the Empire and Kislev.
IC 2304 In the final weeks of the war, Ulf Kroger meets Ilyana and decides to desert and run off with her. Several members of his squad who have also found wives during the war join them. Magnus the Pious is elected Emperor.
IC 2305 Kroger and his band stumble across the remains of an abandoned town in the foothills of the Worlds Edge Mountains and decide to settle there. In honor of their leader, the unknown town is renamed Krogersdorf.
IC 2338 Ulf Kroger dies.
IC 2381 Krogersdorf is rediscovered by Sigmarite missionaries of the Order of the Silver Hammer. When the majority of the villagers remain dedicated to Ulric rather than converting to the cult of Sigmar, the Silver Hammer sends reports of sedition to Grand Duke Untermensch of Talabecland.
IC 2382 Grand Duke Untermensch declares Krogersdorf to be illegally occupying his land. The inhabitants are too well entrenched for removing them to be viable; instead, their taxes are doubled as payment for the land.
IC 2392 Word finally reaches Altdorf that Krogersdorf was founded by Imperial army deserters. The Emperor responds by doubling the town's taxes.
IC 2483 Plague hits Krogersdorf, killing nearly a third of the town's residents.
IC 2500 The present day.

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