Druidism Overview

I think I'll be presenting druids as mystically-empowered friends of nature. Their "magical" abilities will closely resemble those of clerics, with no set spells, but rather the ability to ask favors. For instance, a druid might contact the spirit of a tree (gaining 1 Taint in the process) and request that it lie down across a chasm to form a bridge. Depending on the druid's Fel and "Balance" (see next paragraph), the tree's spirit may agree, refuse outright, or demand payment from the druid, typically in the form of energy (i.e., Taint). If the druid does not care for the terms, he can attempt to renegotiate the deal or just go ask another tree.

"Balance" is a tentative term (I hope to find a better one) describing a druid's relationship with nature. Doing favors for woodland spirits (leaving out offerings, turning aside rampaging ork hordes, preventing forest fires) adds to "Balance", requesting favors from the spirits or taking action to harm them (razing ancient groves, recklessly killing animals) reduces it.

I'm not quite sure yet how to handle stone circles or solar and lunar cycles. The most straightforward option would be to consider them as times/places where the spirits are closer to the physical world, thus making interaction easier (possibly lower cost for favors (though it may be harder to gain them in the first place, as the spirits have other things they would rather do), definitely larger gains (or losses) of "Balance" for the druid's actions), but I'm not entirely sure that it's the way to go.

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