Changes to Wizard Careers

Wizards learn 3 new Arts at each level, including Apprentice. These Arts may be improved beyond base level at any time, provided that the character has appropriate study materials available and is currently pursuing a scholarly or magical career.

The skill lists are pretty well gutted across the board, but this is because the skills available to a wizard will depend heavily on which Arts he has studied. For career completion purposes, a wizard must learn the skills made available by the initial acquistion of his new Arts at each level before progressing. Skills made available at higher levels of an Art must be taken before knowledge of that Art can progress any further, but are not required for the completion of his career. Even if a career change is made before acquiring such skills, they are still considered to be in-career, provided that the character is pursuing a scholarly or magical career when they are purchased.

Magic Points and Cast Spells skill are no longer used, so they are not gained at any level.

Arts provide a more flexible way of achieving the same effect as Specialist Wizards, so Specialists no longer exist.

Base skill lists are as follows:

Wizard's Apprentice
Arcane Language - Magick
Secret Language - Classical
Scroll Lore (50%)
Any 3 Arts

Wizard 1
Scroll Lore
Any 3 Arts
Two skills from List A

Wizard 2
Magic Sense
Any 3 Arts
One skill from List A
Two skills from List B
One skill from List C

Wizard 3
Identify Undead
Any 3 Arts
One skill from List A
One skill from List B
One skill from List C

Wizard 4
Arcane Language (Dwarvish or Elvish)
Demon Lore
Any 3 Arts
One skill from List A
One skill from List B
One skill from List C

Wizard 5 (Chromatic Wizards only)
Advance scheme will be created later

Skill List A: Rune Lore, Meditation, Identify Plants, Evaluate, Manufacture Drugs

Skill List B: Identify Magical Artifact (requires Evaluate), Prepare Poison (requires Manufacture Drugs), Research Spells, Create Familiar

Skill List C: Manufacture Potions (requires Prepare Poison), Manufacture Scrolls (requires Scroll Lore), Manufacture Magic Items (requires Identify Magical Artifact)

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