The Imperial Color Colleges

Any wizard or apprentice may attempt to join the Imperial Colleges. If accepted, he must spend a certain amount of time studying at the college's facilities and learning the Attune Art for that college's color.

Chromatic wizards are able to advance to Wizard Level 5, may learn the Attune and Attract arts for their college, and will have a variety of additional skills available to them, including one Art which is exclusive to the college.

CollegeInferior ToEnvironmentArts SkillsCollegiate Art
Light Amber Underground Substance
+10 base Ld
Divination (Lithomancy)
Super Numerate
Ritual - Adds to Art Total for all ritual spellcasting
Gold Light Mines Create
Gem Cutting
Lab - Adds to Art Total for all laboratory work or +10%/level for lab work that doesn't involve Arts
Jade Gold Rivers Flesh
Concealment (Rural)
Herb Lore
Silent Move (Rural)
Rhya's Blessing - Adds to Art Total for all magical activity undertaken while in direct contact with living earth
Celestial Jade Mountaintops Ether
Night Vision
Sixth Sense
Super Numerate
Fortune - Adds to Art Total for any spells affecting time or probability; +10%/level on all Divination tests
Grey Celestial Storms Ether
Divination (Nimbomancy)
Weather - Adds to Art Total for all spells affecting the weather; +10%/level to forecast the weather
Amethyst Grey Cemeteries Destroy
Secret Language (Amethyst)
Secret Language (Inner Amethyst)
Secret Language (Deep Amethyst)
Silent Move Urban
Specialist Weapon (Polearm)
Telepathy - Allows communication between Amethyst wizards within a maximum range of the sum of their Telepathy Arts, squared, in yards. Communicating to anyone without the Telepathy Art is limited to a range of the Amethyst wizard's Telepathy squared and a Fel test is required, at +5/level of Telepathy, to be understood clearly.

Prying into the mind of another Amethyst wizard requires a WP test; the target is allowed an Int test to notice the intrusion and, if noticed, the target may make a WP test to block the intruder. All three of these tests are modified by +5 per level of your own Telepathy Art and -5 per level of your opponent's Telepathy.

This Art also reduces penalties for spellcasting without speaking to (Complexity - Telepathy) * 10, with a minimum penalty of 0 and a maximum penalty of -50.

At the time this Art is learned, the character must take a vow to never speak again.

Bright Amethyst Desert
Flame (x2)
+1 A Advance
+20 WS Advance
Divination (Pyromancy)
Flame Eating
Secret Language (Battle Tongue)
Very Resilient
Flameproof - Adds to T vs. fire or heat-related damage, bonus may be distributed among others nearby
Amber Bright Deep forests Flesh
Charm Animal
Concealment Rural
Divination (Haruspication)
Follow Trail
Game Hunting
Silent Move Rural
Wild Man - Adds to Art Total for all spells affecting wild plants or animals. +10%/level to all wilderness-related non-magical rolls. Character gains 1 Insanity Point per level of Wild Man; the first resulting insanity will generally be demophobia, typically followed by such things as claustrophobia, frenzy, and animosities, hatreds, introversion, depression, or other disorders experienced when in cities.
Dark High None
High Dark None

Special Rules

The following colleges have special rules regarding them:


Amber magic is tied strongly to the wilderness. As a result, all bonuses from Attune (Amber) are halved within a city or other overly-civilized area. Additionally, Attract (Amber) will only draw half as much Ambient Power as normal and the wizard's Cl stat is halved when in such a place.


Amethyst wizards are required to take a vow to never speak again at the time they learn the Telepathy Art and it must be the first Art learned after the completion of their apprenticeship. Progressing to the upper levels of Amethyst magic requires knowledge of the college's hidden tongues: Secret Language (Amethyst) must be known to progress to level 2, Secret Language (Inner Amethyst) must be known to progress to level 4. The secret languages must be learned in this order: Amethyst, Inner Amethyst, Deep Amethyst.


High wizards are capable of freely manipulating any of the eight winds of magic. They may, therefore, consider Ambient Power of any color to be 'the same college', with the sole exception of Dark.


Jade magic is highly attuned to nature and the changing seasons. Because of this, all bonuses provided by the Attune (Jade) and Rhya's Blessing Arts are reduced by half in winter (from date until date) and increased by half in summer (from date until date). Jade Ambient Power, whether derived from the Attract (Jade) Art, the environment, or any other source, is also subject to these same multipliers.

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