
These variant magic rules are a touch more complex than those that most people are used to, so here are some examples which will hopefully clarify things a bit:

Ambient Power

Casting Counterspells

Casting Improvised Spells

Casting Learned Spells

Fresh out of his apprenticeship, Harald the Spotter finds himself scouting out a small village and decides that he wants a closer look at one of the guards, so he casts The Wizard's Telescope (Manipulate Image C2 P2/1 D 10 min). His WP is 35 and his skill in both Manipulate and Image is 1. WP + ((Manipulate 1 + Image 1) * 5) - (Complexity 2 * 5) = 35. Grabbing his dice, he rolls a 61, 26 higher than the 35 he was looking for. Since this is not an extreme failure, the spell still works, giving him a good look at the insignia on the guard's helmet, and he suffers 2 points of Magical Taint, as this is a Power 2 spell.

Learning Spells

Benedictus Smits has gotten his hands on a tome containing the Control Lightning spell, which is Complexity 6. Benedictus is a Celestial wizard with Int 53, Manipulate 1, Ether 3, and Attune (Celestial) 1, for an Art Total of 5. To make progress on learning this spell, he need to roll (Int 53 + Art Total 5 * 5 - Complexity 6 * 5 + 10 for knowing Thaumatology =) 58 or less. After a week of study, he rolls a 79 and makes no progress. He presses on, however, and after the second week of study, he rolls a 47 and learns the spell at Complexity 2 for 50 EP. He can now cast Control Lightning, but must spend a minimum of (C6 spell - C2 knowledge = 4, 4 * 5 =) 20 minutes performing a ritual to do so and prolonging the ritual cannot reduce the effective complexity by more than 2 (taking an additional 10 minutes). Again he continues his study, now needing a roll of 68 or less as he only needs to learn 4 Complexity rather than 6. Unfortunately, he rolls a 98, which is an extreme failure, and can learn no more from this book.

Restricted Speech or Gestures

Spellcasting in Armor

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