Spells by Form


Arrow Ward (Create Ether C3 P2/1 D 4 hours/special)

This spell uses small puffs of wind to deflect an arrow or other ranged weapon directed at its recipient. Arrows, stones, and other lightweight (up to 1/4 lb.) non-magical weapons miss automatically. Heavier hand weapons, such as thrown axes, suffer a -50 to Hit, but this penalty is reduced by 10 per full lb. of the weapon's weight. High-speed projectiles (i.e., bullets) and nonphysical attacks are not affected at all.

Once the spell has attempted to deflect one missile, its duration immediately expires, but can be extended normally if the caster has maintained his concentration on it. Note that this spell will be triggered by any incoming physical object moving faster than a running man, but slow enough to be tracked by the human eye, even if there is no chance of deflecting it. It will also expire if 4 hours pass without anything triggering it.

Variations: This spell can be enhanced to evaluate incoming missiles and ignore those which are too large to be affected by it; this version adds 1 to Complexity and also requires the Sense and Plant or Substance Arts; only the weight of the detected portion of the missile will be taken into account (e.g., with Sense Plant, a wooden-hafted axe would have only the weight of the haft would be considered); both Substance and Plant can be incorporated at no additional cost. It can be further enhanced to ignore missiles which cannot do any damage (i.e., no damage roll will be made - lightly tossed rocks, falling leaves, etc. - it will not ignore attacks whose S is too low to have an effect or attacks which could do damage but roll too poorly) at a cost of 1 Complexity and to ignore attacks which will miss on their own at a cost of 3 Complexity, 1/1 Power, and a Sense requirement.

Control Lightning (Manipulate Ether C6 P3)

This spell may only be cast during a thunderstorm and causes a bolt of lightning to strike a designated target, inflicting 1d3 S7 hits. Anything near the target will also suffer 1d3 hits with their S reduced by 1 per yard from the center of the effect. Anything 7 or more yards away will be unaffected. Metal armor will increase the damage from these hits by as much as it would normally be reduced.

Those affected by this spell may attempt to reduce damage from this spell by making a successful Initiative test. If successful, they are moved 1d6 yards away from the target point and will take damage per their new location. On a critical failure, the target point was misjudged and they will instead move 1d6 yards towards the center of the effect.

Flight (Manipulate Ether C4 P2/2 D 5 minutes)

Pressure (Manipulate Ether C1 P1/1 D 1 minute)

Pure Breath ( C P)

Smoke (Manipulate Ether C4 P4/2 D 1 minute)

Sustain = continue creating smoke

Variations: Non-sustainable version is C3 P3; creates a one-shot smoke cloud

Sounds (Manipulate Ether C2 P1/1 D 10 seconds)

Spark (Create Ether C4 P2)

Still Air (Manipulate Ether C2 P3/1 D 5 minutes)

Eliminates all wind in a 10-yard radius centered on the caster, including magically-induced winds such as the Whirlwind and Wind Blast spells, unless the caster of the wind-inducing spell can win a contested WP test against the caster of Still Ether with each wizard receiving a bonus of Art Total * 10 to his WP. If either wizard has maintained concentration on his spell, he may gain an additional +10 WP for this test for each point of Power used to augment his spell in this test. The loser's spell will terminate immediately.

Water Walking (Manipulate Liquid C P)

Whirlwind (Manipulate Ether C4 P3/2 D 1 minute)

At any point within 15 yards, the caster may raise a small whirlwind with a radius of 5 yards. Once created, it may be moved up to 5 yards per round, provided that the caster maintains his concentration.

This whirlwind inflicts a S0 hit against each target within the area of effect in the first round, S1 in the second round, and S2 in subsequent rounds. If there are small-to-moderately sized objects in the area of effect (books, tankards, etc.), characters may take an additional hit with a Strength of 1d3; this Strength may be increased if there are particularly dangerous objects lying about, such as swords.

Wind Blast (Create Ether C3 P4/2 D 1 minute)

This spell projects a cone of high-speed wind from the caster's outstreched palm, extending 20 yards and 6 yards wide at its terminus. This range can be increased by 2 yards per additional Power expended in the casting; the maintenance cost is increased by half this amount.

Any missiles fired through the area of effect will automatically miss and characters within the winds inflict half damage in melee. Movement is also difficult within the cone of wind: Moving away from the winds' source requires an I test to avoid being knocked down by the wind. Moving across the wind requires a test vs. Sx10 or I to move at more than half of Cautious rate. Moving towards the caster requires a test against Sx5 to make any progress, which will be at Cautious rate. Charging within the affected area is not possible.

This spell ends immediately if the caster's concentration is interrupted.

Wind Shield (Manipulate Ether C3 P2/1 D 1 minute)

Voice from Afar (Manipulate Ether C2 P1/1 D 1 round)


Spell Link (Manipulate Chaos C+2 P+2 D Special)


Cast Stone ( C P)

Ear of the Mountain (Sense Substance C3 P2/2 D 10 minutes)

This spell allows the caster to place his hand upon a solid object and hear as if his ear were at any other chosen point on the surface of that same object by detecting its vibrations. The chosen point may be designated by distance and direction (10 yards down this wall), boundary of the object and a direction (the other side of this wall), memory (just above the door we passed 5 minutes ago), or by using the caster's existing senses (next to the whispering man's left foot). The point may be moved for as long as concentration is maintained, but it cannot reliably follow someone who cannot be detected via other senses.

This spell's Power cost is increased by 1 for every full 25 yards that the point is away from the caster, for both initial casting and maintenance. If the point moves beyond a 25 yard boundary after the initial casting, the increased maintenance cost must be paid immediately, either by adding Power or by reducing the spell's duration by 5 minutes.

If the caster's contact with the object is broken or if the object is damaged such that the caster and the point he's listening from are no longer on the same piece of the object, the spell's effect ends immediately.

For the purposes of this spell, packed dirt is considered to be a solid object, sand or piles of rubble are not. It may be used on a living target only if the Flesh or Plant Art is also used in the casting.

The caster's natural hearing is unaffected by this spell, so it is best used in a quiet location.

Harden ( C P)

Mud Army (Manipulate Substance/Liquid C P)

Soften Stone (Manipulate Substance C P)

Turn Blade ( C P)


Bright Flame (Create Flame C1 P2/1 D 30 minutes)

Creates a small magical flame which burns with a very bright white light, equivalent to a torch, and casts harsh shadows. This flame appears in the caster's cupped palm, but can be 'poured' out of his hand, seeking the lowest point it can occupy. While the flame is bright enough for looking directly at it to be uncomfortable, it gives off relatively little heat, allowing even a non-mage to carry it, though most would find it to be uncomfortably warm and it will eventually ignite flammable substances.

Chill (Destroy Flame C1 P2)

Reduces the temperature of the area surrounding the caster (10 yard radius) to freezing. The area will warm again naturally.

Fireball (Create Flame C4 P8)

Creates a ball of flame, 5 yards in diameter, at a point of the caster's choosing within 48 yards. All within the area of effect suffer a Strength 4 hit with an additional d8 damage to flammable targets. Armor does not protect against this damage.

Variations: Many versions of this spell have been created over the years. Adjusting the range changes Complexity by 1 for every 20 yards the maximum range is adjusted. Base Power of variants is 2 + (S * 1.5), rounded up. Power is reduced by 20% for each yard of diameter less than 5 and increased 25% for each yard over 5. (Multiplicatively, not additively - reducing the diameter to 3 yards would reduce Power to (0.8 * 0.8 =) 64% of the base cost, not to 60%.) Versions also exist which allow the caster to choose the Strength (+3 Complexity) or diameter (+2 Complexity) of the effect when it is cast, but these are not widely known due to the difficulty of casting them.

Flame Bolt (Create Flame C2 P4)

Ignite (Create Flame C1 P1)

Causes a flammable object to begin burning in a single area, from which the fire will spread normally. Can also be cast at Power 2 to cause the target to burst into flame, igniting a square foot or so of its surface instantly.

Immolate (Create Flame/Flesh C2 P5)

Causes the target to burst into flames, as if he had been hit with flaming oil. Inflicts d6 S4 hits in the round it is cast, with each hit doing an additional d4 damage to flammable targets. The target will then continue to burn, taking normal fire damage each round.

The Many-Hued Conflagration (Control Flame C1 P1/1 D 10 minutes)

Allows the caster to control the color(s) of the target fire. He may cause the fire to emit flames of any combination of colors he wishes for to duration of the spell, changing the colors at will.

Sear (Create Flame C3 P2)

This spell causes a magical flame to erupt suddenly from the very skin of the target. It only lasts a split second and is virtually invisible. Someone looking directly at the target may just make out the fireburst, or the target himself might notice the fire. The Sear may do one damage, or no damage if the target's toughness is four or more.

Physical damage is not the aim of the spell though. The sudden but brief intense pain and sudden flash of light the spell causes can easily lead to panic, fainting, fear, surprise, or other effect on a failed Cl test.

Tales of the Ashes (Sense Flame C2 P1)

Reveals the unburnt form of a fire's remains.


Cure Wounds (Create Flesh C5 P3/3 D 12 hours)

The target of this spell immediately recovers 1d6 Wounds. However, unless crystals are used to make this healing permanent, the wounds will reappear when the spell expires. If this causes the character's remaining Wounds to drop below 0, he must roll on the Sudden Death Critical Table.

Detect Body (Sense Flesh C2 P1/1 D 10 minutes)

Grants awareness of the location of all bodies, human or animal, living or dead, within a 50 yard radius, as well as a vague idea of each body's size.

Detect Undead (Sense Flesh/Chaos C2 P2/1 D 10 minutes)

Reveals to the caster the locations of all bodies within 50 yards which are dead, but have been reanimated by magic.

Heal Wounds (Create Flesh C2 P2)

This spell functions as a successful application of the Heal Wounds skill.

Wither (Destroy Flesh C3 P3)

Inflicts 1d6 W upon any animal target within 50 yards, ignoring both armor and T. Zombies and other undead with flesh which has not yet rotted away (i.e., not skeletons, liches or the like) take double damage. Any critical inflicted by this spell upon an undead creature will cause it to automatically fall to dust.

Withering Touch (Destroy Flesh C2 P2/2 D 1 minute or until creature touched)

This is a variation of the Wither spell which requires the target to be touched and is sustainable.

Trip (Manipulate Flesh C1 P2)

The target of this spell, if moving, must make an immediate I test and will fall to the ground if this test is failed, taking d3-2 damage if moving at a Cautious rate, d3-1 at Standard rate, or d3 if Running. It has no effect on targets who are standing still.


Clairvoyance (Sense Image C4 P3)

Light (Create Image C2 P1/1 D 10 minutes)

A basic illumination spell. Cast upon an object touched by the caster, causes the object to glow with a soft light equivalent to a torch for the duration of the spell. Can only be cast on objects which can be easily carried in one hand.

Variations: A version of this spell is also known which causes light to emanate from the caster's hand; this version has a base Duration of 15 minutes. A version which can be cast upon objects carriable in two hands is Power 2/1. (Add information on variants which illuminate a larger area)

The Wizard's Telescope (Manipulate Image C2 P2/1 D 10 minutes)


Calm Fear (Create Mind C1 P2)

Negates the effects of a failed Fear test.

Detect Animal (Sense Mind C2 P2/1 D 10 minutes)

Detects the presence and location of any living mind of animal intelligence within a 50 yard radius.

Detect Mind (Sense Mind C3 P2/1 D 5 minutes)

Detects the presence and location of any active mind (including people, animals, sentient plants, certain magical artifacts, daemons, intelligent undead, etc.) within a 50 yard radius, but provides no information as to its nature.

Detect Person (Sense Mind C1 P2/1 D 10 minutes)

Detects the presence and location of any living human or humanioid mind within a 50 yard radius.

Fearless (Create Mind C2 P3/2 D 1 hour)

The target, who must be touched by the caster, applies a modifier of -200 to any rolls on the Fear Effects Chart. (See http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~bek/newfear.htm) If the standard Fear/Terror rules are being used, the character becomes immune to Fear and Terror unless caused by greater daemons, gods, or godlike beings.

Fixed Gaze (Manipulate Mind C1 P3/1 D 1 minute)

If the caster can establish eye contact with the target, he will be compelled to meet and hold the caster's gaze unless he succeeds in a WP test at -30, which may be retried each round. If the target is looking elsewhere, he will still find his attention drawn to the caster and must make a WP test (at no penalty) each round to avoid meeting the caster's eyes.

If the caster looks away from the target, this spell will terminate immediately.

Mouth of the Babe (Manipulate Mind C3 P5/3 D 10 minutes)

Warps the target's knowledge of language, causing him to speak only gibberish for the duration of the spell, though he believes that he makes perfect sense and everyone else is unable to speak clearly. The ability to read and write is similarly affected, but any spellcasting skills the target may have are not affected unless they involve communication with an outside entity; a Fireball could still be cast, but a bound demon could not be given any commands.

Sleep (Destroy Mind C3 P2)

Vertigo (Destroy Mind C3 P2/1 D 1 round)


Bless Plants (Create Plant C3 P4)

All plants within 10 yards of the caster will grow more quickly and enjoy improved health throughout the current growing season. If cast on crops, the affected area will produce double the normal yield.


Protection from Rain (Manipulate Liquid C1 P2/1 D 1 hour)

Mannan's Favor ( C P)

Mud ( C P)

Raise Sunken Items (Manipulate Liquid C2 P4 D 1 minute)

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