The Taint of Chaos

Active use of magic requires that a wizard use his mind to channel the powers of Chaos in order to achieve the desired effect. This is not without its risks...

To determine how resistant a character is to the effects of Chaos, two new stats are added to their profile: Threshold (Thr) and Recovery (Rec). These stats may not be improved directly by most characters, although wizards may learn the Metamagical Arts of Order to improve their Threshold and Purify to improve Recovery.

Threshold is calculated as (Int + Cl)/5, rounded normally, for humans and elves or (Int + Cl)/10 for dwarves and halflings. Recovery is WP/20, rounded down, regardless of race.

Taint comes in two flavors: Magical Taint, resulting from spellcasting, use of magic items, or other close contact with magical energy, and Chaos Taint, gained by direct exposure to Chaos.

When casting a spell or using a magic item, a check must be made for magical Catastrophe (temporary or permanent reduction in Threshold, gain Insanity Points, random magical effects in the area, etc.) if the character's total (Magical + Chaos) Taint exceeds his Threshold. This check must be made even if the current spell/item use did not increase his level of Taint.

Characters exposed to raw Chaos (Warpstone, pools of Dark Magic, and the like) may also acquire Chaos Taint. If Chaos Taint exceeds the character's Threshold, then the character may suffer a mutation. This check is made whenever the character's Chaos Taint may increase (even if it does not increase). Additionally, for as long as his Chaos Taint exceeds his Threshold, a minimum of one check for mutation must be made per year. Dwarves only gain 1/2 (rounded up) of any Chaos Taint they would normally suffer, while halflings are tainted at a mere 1/6 (rounded down) of the normal rate.

Magical Taint is reduced by the character's Recovery daily. Characters with the Meditate skill may spend 1d6 hours meditating and then attempt a WP test; if successful, Magical Taint will be reduced by the character's Recovery stat. Chaos Taint is not so easily lost... It is reduced by the character's Recovery each year. This reduction should be spread evenly throughout the year. e.g., A character with Recovery 3 loses 1 point of Chaos Taint every 4 months.

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