Riesenstreppe Library

Hermetic Texts

The Book of Ash, Unknown (Perdo summa level 12, quality 8)
The Book of Creation (Abridged), Ordon Draconis (Creo summa 10, quality 6)
Book of Secrets, Volume 1, Albertus Magnus (Animal summa level 10, quality 5)
Book of Secrets, Volume 2, Albertus Magnus (Herbam summa level 11, quality 5)
Experimentium Psychologia, Anonymous (Mentem summa level 12, quality 5)
Expositions on the Ephemeral Nature of our Bodies, Unknown (Corpus summa level 11, quality 8)
From Neptune's Wrath to Pull of the Watery Grave: A Study of the Effective Art of Aquam, Tiana of Tremere (Aquam summa level 13, quality 7)
The March of Change, Pertica ex Tytalus (Muto summa 15, quality 7)
My Studies in Pure Magic, Thalmus of Benon (Vim summa level 9, quality 5)
On the Grudging Assent of Matter, Oiagros ex Verditius (Terram summa level 20, quality 8)
Stay!, Dominatius ex Tremere (Rego summa level 17, quality 6)
Thoughts Made Real, Desdersirous, scholae Tytali (Imaginem summa level 10, quality 5)

Mundane Texts

De Baptismo, Pacià (Church Lore summa level 2, quality 6)
The Book of All Forbidden Acts, Johannes Hartlieb (Magic Theory L.Q. level 4, quality 8; main text is in German, Latin gloss is quality 4)
Book of Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus (Astrology summa level 5, quality 9)
The Function of Land, Balthazar of Bonisagus (Artes Liberales L.Q. level 4, quality 14)
The Greatest Works of Hermes, Damon le Mont, scholae Tytali (Magic Theory summa 5, quality 9)
Mythology, Fulgentius (Legend Lore summa level 4, quality 8; Philosophiae tractatus, quality 3)
On Architecture, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (Craft (Architecture) summa level 5, quality 10)
People of Magic, People of the Oak, Various Authors (Legend Lore summa level 4, quality 7; Hermes Lore summa level 3, quality 4)


Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi G50R)
Alleviate the Serpent's Bite (PeAn 5)
Arrow of Vulder (CrAq[Te] 25)
Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20)
Awaken the Slumbering Corpse (ReCo 25)
Blessing of the Sure-Footed Steed (ReCo 20)
The Bountiful Feast (CrHe 35R)
Break the Oncoming Wave (ReAq 10)
Breaking the Perpetual Drought (CrAq 30R)
Breath of the Geyser (CrAq[Ig] 15)
Camoflage of a Decade's Growth (CrHe 15)
The Captive Voice (ReIm 15)
Chariot of the Mind (InMe 30)
Charm Against Putrefaction (CrCo 10)
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 25)
Circle of the Faerie Stone (CrTe[Vi] 30)
Compass of the Dismembered Limb (InCo 20)
Confound the Connection (PeCo 25)
Confusion of the Insane Vibrations (ReIm 30)
Curse of the Desert (PeAq 20)
Curse of the Unerring Shafts (ReHe[Co] 30)
Deluge of Rushing and Dashing (CrAq 40R)
Earth that Breaks No More (MuTe 20)
The Earth's Carbuncle (ReTe[Mu] 15)
Edge of the Razor (MuTe 5)
Enchantment of Detachment (MuMe 15)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe[Au] 20)
Gateway to Holda's Hall (MuTe[Aq] 20)
Gather the Essence of the Beast (MuVi 15)
Gather the Essence of the Plant (MuVi 15)
Eyes of the Treacherous Terrain (InTe 20)
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body (CrCo 10)
Gift of Reason (CrMe 25)
Gift of the Floating Wood (ReAq 15)
Grip of the Choking Hand (PeCo 15)
Ice of Drowning (Mu[Re]Aq[Te] 25)
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10)
The Invisible Eye Revealed (InVi G25)
Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10)
Lifting the Dangling Puppet (ReCo 15)
Light Shaft of the Night (ReIg 10)
Loose the Corporeal Bonds (ReTe 15)
Lungs of Water and Death (CrAq 15)
Lungs of the Fish (MuAq[Au] 10)
Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi G20)
Maintaining the Unending Watch (Re[Cr]Co 20)
Mighty Torrent of Water (CrAq 15)
Mind of the Beast (MuMe 30)
Panic of the Trembling Heart (CrMe 15)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (InMe 15)
Phantasm of the Human Form (CrIm 25)
Phantasmal Animal (CrIm 20)
Piercing the Verdant Veil (InHe[Im] 30)
Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20)
Rain of Stones (MuAu[Te] 20)
Restoration of the Defiled Body (CrCo 25)
Rock of Viscid Clay (MuTe 15)
Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years (PeTe 10)
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5)
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5)
The Severed Limb Made Whole (CrCo 30)
Shriek of the Impending Shafts (InHe 15)
Silence of the Smothered Sound (PeIm 10)
Strings of the Unwilling Marionette (ReCo 25)
Tangle of Wood and Thorns (ReHe[Mu] 15)
Transformation of Metal to Mud (MuTe 15)
Trust of Childlike Faith (PeMe 15)
Vision of the Haunting Spirit (MuMe 5)
Waiting Spell (ReVi G20R)
Wall of Living Wood (CrHe 25)
Wall of Protecting Stone (CrTe 25)
Watching Ward (ReVi G15R)
Weaver's Trap of Webs (CrAn 20)
Wind of Mundane Silence (PeVi 30)
Wizard's Communion (MuVi G15)
Wizard's Communion (MuVi G25)
Wizard's Locksmith (ReTe 25)
Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10)

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