
In addition to requesting miracles, characters with Faith in a deity may perform sacraments sacred to that deity. Unlike miracles, sacraments take several minutes to perform, are fairly likely to work as inended, will Taint the person performing them, and add to the character's Piety Modifier rather than his Nuisance Modifier.

All sacraments are deity-specific and they are typically not available as magical spells or elemental effects. They may, however, be used by any character who is familiar with them and who honors the deity to whom the sacrament is dedicated. They may also be studied to increase a character's chance of performing them effectively, although this is considered to be an out-of-career skill purchase (Int roll required to learn) for all characters except Initiates or Clerics of the relevant deity.

Sacraments are rated on Difficulty (how hard it is to perform effectively; studying a sacrament costs 25 EP per Difficulty and tests to perform a sacrament which has not been studied are at -5 per Difficulty), Favor (the amount by which the character's Piety Modifier is increased if the sacrament succeeds), and the time required to perform the sacrament. Characters automatically gain 1 Magical Taint for any attempt to perform a sacrament. A character may only gain the Piety increase from a specific sacrament once per day, no matter how many times it is performed.

The success of a sacrament is determined by an Int roll if the character is only familiar with it or by a WP roll if it has been studied. This roll is modified as follows:

+10 Per level of Faith in the deity
No chance Character has Faith in an opposing deity
-NM Nuisance modifier relative to deity
+PM Piety modifier relative to deity

If a sacrament is performed by a character who has not studied it, it will only be effective on a critical success.

Sacraments by Deity


Brave Joke (D2 F1 T Instant)

The faithful of Aldo are capable of devising clever quips on the spur of the moment which help their comrades to overcome their fears by pointing out the absurdity of the danger they face. To perform this sacrament, the player must come up with a topic for the joke and the GM should assign a modifier to the WP test based on how complete and how amusing the player's suggestion is.

If the sacrament is effective, all friendly characters within earshot may immediately reroll a failed Fear or Terror test. Each failed test may only be rerolled once.




Bless Meal (D Special F Special T 1 minute)

Blesses any number of servings of food which are to be consumed in a single meal. If any of the blessed food contains poison or disease, each dose of poison or each disease must make a potency test (base chance 40% + any penalty/- any bonus to tests to resist its effects) and succeed by a greater margin than the WP test to perform the sacrament or be nullified. If the WP test is an extreme success and any poison or disease remains, the food will immediately take on a terrible smell and taste, as if it had gone rancid.

The Difficulty of this sacrament is equal to the number of servings of food being blessed and the Favor is one-half of this amount, rounded up. It may be learned for any number of servings; if the character attempts to bless a larger number of servings, the WP test to perform the blessing is penalized only for the excess Difficulty and the sacrament will be effective on any success.

It is rumored that leftovers from a blessed meal will keep longer, but halflings so rarely have leftovers that these rumors cannot be easily verified.

Bless Pot (D2 F1 T 5 minutes)

A pot (or other cooking implement) blessed while washing it will provide a bonus of +10 to Cooking skill for the next meal prepared using it. Using multiple blessed implements in the preparation of a meal provides no additional bonus.




Blood Frenzy (D3 F5 T 1 minute)

A follower of Khorne who successfully invokes Blood Frenzy upon himself before going into battle will be blessed with a +10 to WS for the first attack he makes after each critical inflicted. This effect lasts for one hour or until the end of the battle, whichever comes first. If it expires without the character inflicting at least one critical, he must strike a normal blow upon himself for full damage (and sustain at least 1 W from this strike) or else suffer Khorne's displeasure (including a +25 to his Nuisance Modifier).

Note that the criticals may be scored against friends as well as foes and that those who attempt to enter a Blood Frenzy generally do not know whether they were successful...





Funeral (D2 F5 T 15 minutes)

This sacrament must be performed over a single corpse and will lay the deceased's body and spirit to rest, ensuring that neither will return nor be of any used to necromancers. The name of the deceased must be known to perform this sacrament.

Nameless Funeral (D5 F2 T 1 hour)

If a body is found, but its name is not known, the normal Funeral sacrament cannot be performed and a Nameless Funeral is used instead. In addition to being more difficult to perform effectively, the Nameless Funeral is less powerful, as it does not prevent the deceased's spirit from being contacted or summoned. Only the body is assured peace.






Bless Wound (D3 F3 T 10 minutes)

This sacrament, if effective, will allow a wound to heal as if under a surgeon's care for 1 day and reduce the chance of infection, scarring, or any other permanent effect from the injury by 10%. A wound may be blessed daily to provide the equivalent of continued care by a surgeon, but the chance of permanent effects is only reduced for the first blessing.








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