Minor Magical Abilities
In addition to actual spellcasting, requests for miracles, etc., there
are a number of lesser abilities, usually represented as skills in
WFRP, which are also magical in nature. This is significant for two
reasons: They can be affected as if they were spells and characters
who use them frequently may find themselves becoming
- Divining - Divination attempts will generally produce
1 Magical Taint, but critical successes give 0 and critical failures
give 1d6
- Dowsing - Any character who has not completed the Druid
career gains Magical Taint as for Divining
- Luck - If the GM allows players to know how many times per
day their Luck can be used, there is a 1 in 6 chance of gaining
1 Magical Taint each time Luck is used, but not more than once per
day. If the players are not made aware of the limits of their Luck,
1 Magical Taint is automatically gained each time they attempt to use
Luck when it is not available.
- Sixth Sense - Any time a character's Sixth Sense is
tripped, he should make an additional Intelligence test. If this test
is successful, he is judged to have acquired the information by
natural means and there is no further effect. If it is failed, the
information was obtained mystically and 1 Magical Taint is gained.
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