Mages In Black

This section is dedicated to a PBEM which I am running to test some new magic rules I'm working on. Information on these rules will be linked to below as it solidifies enough to commit to text.

The game is taking place on a public mailing list. Subscription and access to the list archives are available to anyone, although the list will only accept posts from currently-active players.

Other Campaign Information

Rules Modifications

Before getting too deep into the rules, you may want to read up on a little of the terminology that I have adopted for dice mechanics.

General house rules which are in effect

General overview

Clerical Miracles
General overview
Changes to official cleric careers
Asking for miracles (and whether they are granted)
If you need something more reliable than a miracle, you may be able to perform a suitable sacrament instead

Druidic Abilities
General overview

General overview
Changes to official elementalist careers
Creating elemental Effects
Elemental power levels

Hedge Wizardry
General overview

New skills and skill-like abilities

On minor magical abilities

Wizardly Magic
General overview
Changes to official wizard careers
Crystals of Power
List of magical arts
Magical Catastrophies. Just how scared should you be?
The mechanics of magical power and the taint of Chaos
So just how does spellcasting work in this system, anyhow?
Imperial Color Colleges
Sample spells
Alchemists aren't the only ones who spend months in their laboratories

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